The TIRR Memorial Hermann Webinar Series will feature webinars once a month featuring content that our physicians are most excited or passionate about. You will hear from physicians and neurologic clinical specialists on relevant topics in the world of rehabilitation.

CAUTIs and Spinal Cord Injury: Safety and Considerations

In the 1st webinar of the series, Dr. Davis discusses the safety and quality considerations regarding Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. Nationally, there is a high priority being placed on reducing CAUTIs, one of the targeted preventable hospital acquired infections.

Return to School After Brain Injury

In the 3rd webinar of the series, Dr. Gibbs presents on returning to school after a brain injury and covers:

  • Changes faced by students with brain injury
  • Returning to school
  • Preparing faculty and classmates
  • Preparing the family and student
  • TIRR Memorial Hermann Return to School Program

Preventing Falls in the Older Adults

In the 4th webinar of the series, Anna DeJoya, PT, DSc, NCS, presents on preventing falls in older adults. From this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe the prevalence of falls among the elderly
  • Understand the consequences of falls for the elderly
  • Be able to describe risk factors
  • Increase your knowledge on intervention strategies and community resources