For a heart-pumping work out that tones the muscles in both your arms and legs, the Complete Arms & Legs Circuit is perfect for athletes of any skill levels. With minimal equipment required, this workout can be completed at home, in your gym, or even in your office during lunch.

Sequence: Repeat this workout in sequence, 1-3 times

Target muscle groups: hips, quadriceps, buttocks, hamstrings, pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps

Total workout time: 30 minutes

Split Jumps

Split Jumps

Reps: 10 per leg

The split jump is a heart-pumping move that combines a lunge with a vertical jump. With your front foot flat on the floor, bend your knee to a 90 degree angle, ensuring that your knee does not touch the floor. In a swift movement, push your body into the air and move your opposite leg to the front, bringing it to a lunge position. Keep your core tight and ensure a firm footing to keep a strong landing.

Challenge: Instead of 10 reps per leg, increase to 20 reps per leg.

Floor Press

Floor Press

Reps: 15

Taking a barbell weight of your choice (try anywhere from 5 to 15 pounds), lay flat on your back with your knees bent. Holding a barbell in each hand at chest level, slowly raise to straighten out your arms. Pause and bring back to chest level.

Challenge: Increase barbell weight in 5 pound increments each time you complete a set.

Weighted Step Ups

Weighted Step Ups

Reps: 20 per leg

Similar to a traditional stair step exercise, hold two barbells in weights of your choice in each hand. Step up on the stair with one foot, pause, and step down. Alternate each leg with each step.

Challenge: Increase barbell weight in 5 pound increments each time you complete a set.

Bent Over Row

Bent Over Row

Reps: 10

Using two barbells in weights of your choice, slightly bend your knees and bend your body forward so that it is in a 90 degree handle to your legs. At the same time, slowly curl your arms to your hips, pause, and extend back down.

Challenge: Increase barbell weight in 5 pound increments each time you complete a set.

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