The Perinatal Patient and Family Advisory Council (PPFAC) was established in 2017 to work in partnership with the leaders and staff of Women’s Services at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital. Our mission is to promote patient and family centered care and to improve the quality and safety of care provided to mothers, infants and their families. As an advisory resource, the council provides patient and family perspectives to the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of programs, policies and practices within Women’s Services. The PPFAC is composed of dedicated mothers and fathers who received perinatal care at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital as well as experienced nurses working in and with Women’s Services. We are also very thankful to the ad hoc council members including physicians, nurses and medical leaders associated with perinatal care at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital.

In every endeavor, the council strives to promote the core concepts of family centered care, of respect and dignity; information sharing; participation and collaboration. When it comes to the family experience, parent advisors are seen as the experts on the health care experience. Parent advisors provide the hospital with a parents' perspective by sharing their experiences and offering suggestions to ensure that communications and interactions between hospital staff and families and patients are always improving. Parent advisor personal stories and experiences help to provide emotional support to patients and families receiving care at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital and to help teach nurses and doctors.

Join us

We are always so honored to have new members join us. If you’re a former antepartum patient or a former patient’s support person, such as a spouse or family member, please consider sharing your experience.

As a member of the PPFAC, you can:

  • share your unique perspective with staff and administration
  • advocate for patients and their families
  • support others

PPFAC members often:

  • meet monthly with a group of parents and staff to improve the patient and family experience
  • provide input from a parental perspective on how to improve patient safety and experiences
  • join hospital committees for quality improvement initiatives

Connect with us

Follow us on Facebook @PerinatalPFAC

Being a part of the Perinatal Advisory Council has brought so much light to what was a very challenging time in my life. As much as I wish my angel babies were still with me, it's been incredibly healing to feel that their lives and our hospital experiences are valued and being used to help improve outcomes for future families at Memorial Hermann.