Heart Disease Risk Check

Cardiovascular diseases affect nearly half of American adults. The term " cardiovascular disease" is often used interchangeable with "heart disease" and can refer to conditions that involve blood vessel diseases that could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Knowing your risk factors can allow you to take steps to protect your heart’s health. Take our quiz to determine your risk.*

  • How would you describe your current weight?

    Please make a selection.
  • What does your diet primarily consist of?

    Please make a selection.
  • What is your current blood pressure?

    Please make a selection.
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with an arrhythmia (an abnormal heart rhythm) like an atrial fibrillation (AFib)?

    Please make a selection.
  • What is your current LDL (low-density lipoprotein – sometimes referred to as “bad” cholesterol) level?

    Please make a selection.
  • Do you smoke tobacco (or have smoked in the past)?

    Please make a selection.
  • What is your A1c score?

    Please make a selection.
  • How often do you exercise?

    Please make a selection.
  • How much stress do you experience?

    Please make a selection.

You may be at high risk for heart disease

Based on your answers, you should consider scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician or a Memorial Hermann heart specialist. They can recommend lifestyle changes and possible treatments that could help lower your risk for heart disease.

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You may be at low risk for heart disease

Based on your answers, you are doing a good job with your heart health. Your lifestyle choices have put you at a low risk for heart disease. Stay on top of your health by scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician or an Memorial Hermann heart specialist.

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You may be at moderate risk for heart disease

Based on your answers, while you’re doing a good job in some areas, you should think about lifestyle changes that may help lower your risk for heart disease. Consider scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician or a Memorial Hermann heart specialist. They can recommend ways that may help improve your risk factors and prevent them from becoming a long-term problem.

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Contact Us

If you’d like a referral to a heart and vascular specialist or want more information about our services, please fill out the form below or call us at (713) 219-3519. For other inquiries, such as obtaining medical records, imaging reports or test results, please call (713) 222-CARE (2273).


Thank you for your inquiry and for connecting with Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular. If you’re ready to be connected to a heart & vascular specialist now, you can move on to the referral request step by providing your insurance information. This, along with any provider and/or location preferences, will assist us in connecting you with the appropriate Memorial Hermann-affiliated specialist. If you’d like more time, our Nurse Navigator will reach out via email and provide a link to the form that you can submit at your convenience.

We are dedicating to providing you direct access to a comprehensive care team, including specialists who are committed to providing high-quality heart and vascular care.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.