Physician speaking with nurseConnecting Physicians Within the eClinicalWorks® Community

Delivering the best possible care begins with having access to the most up-to-date patient information and clinical data. Through its innovative solutions, Memorial Hermann Information Exchange (MHiE), in collaboration with the Memorial Hermann Physician Network (MHMD) and eClinicalWorks®, expedites care and streamlines medical practice workflow.

MHiE eClinicalWorks® Health Exchange (eHX)

MHiE eClinicalWorks® Electronic Health Exchange (eHX) provides a holistic view of a patient’s ambulatory record within the connected eClinicalWorks community. With patient consent, records can be aggregated and shared between treating physicians. eHX improves continuity of care across multiple care settings by making critical information available at the point of care.

eHX enables MHMD’s eClinicalWorks providers to:

  • Import clinical information from other MHMD eClinicalWorks physicians
  • Connect to MHiE’s Community Health Exchange to share CCDs with other authorized Exchange Members
  • Streamline the upload of patient data, facilitating the transition of care to other providers

MHiE eClinicalWorks® Provider-to-Provider Network (eP2P)

MHiE eClinicalWorks® Provider-to-Provider (eP2P) Network connects physicians using eClinicalWorks to electronically share patient records, referrals, messaging and appointments. It is a scalable and secure way to enhance patient care through provider-to-provider dialogue. By strengthening the communication between primary care physicians (PCPs) and specialists, eP2P improves the continuum of care, allowing PCPs to easily refer patients to specialists, streamlining the referral process and reducing data entry and processing time.

eP2P enables MHMD’s eClinicalWorks providers to:

  • Send electronic referrals to other providers
  • Attach a patient’s record, progress notes, lab results, medical summary and scanned documents
  • Schedule appointments for a patient with another provider
  • Share patient demographics
  • Send secure messages to other networked providers

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