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Pioneering Advancements in Vascular Health
Dr. Rana Afifi shares advancements in treating vascular diseases as well as the different types of…
Three Memorial Hermann Facilities Earn NAPRC Rectal Accreditation
Dr. Joseph Cali and Dr. Erik Askenasy discuss the NAPRC Rectal Accreditation that was recently…
Anatomy of a Miracle: Trauma Patient Loses Pulse for Over 30 Minutes and…
Jackie Figueroa is alive today because every single thing went according to plan, says Michelle…
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Paired with Rehabilitation: A Novel Potential…
A peer-reviewed article co-authored by affiliated physician Gerard E. Francisco, MD, chief medical…
A Deeper Dive: Treating Cognitive Impairment in PACS Patients
Several studies have suggested a relationship between COVID-19 and short-term cognitive…
A Deeper Dive: An Innovative, Patient-Centered Approach to Pediatric…
Facial paralysis can be physically and emotionally debilitating for anyone. Facial muscles are…
A Deeper Dive: Promising Novel Approach to Treating Malignant Fourth…
In Advance podcast Episode 4: “Two Novel Studies Seek to Improve Outcomes in Children with…
New Technology Markedly Improves Stroke Care at Memorial Hermann
AI Platform Dramatically Accelerates Treatment Times and Improves Patient Outcomes Memorial Hermann…
The Next Frontier - Advancements in Aortic Surgery
Dr. Oderich and Dr. Estrera discuss what is an aortic surgery and when is it needed. The reasons…
How Osseointegration Is Restoring Freedom to Amputees
Dr. David Doherty discusses how osseointegration is restoring freedom to amputees by offering…
Memorial Hermann | Rockets Orthopedics
Announcing the rebrand of the Memorial Hermann Orthopedic service line and the programs and…
Improving and Expediting Care for Stroke Patients with Artificial…
Memorial Hermann recently implemented, an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software…
The Life Flight Experience
John Talley (Licensed Paramedic) talks about his experience working as a Certified flight paramedic…
A Deeper Dive: Beyond the Landmark TOTAL Trial
An estimated 1 in every 3,600 babies in the United States is born with congenital diaphragmatic…
Revolutionizing Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery with Robotics
Dr. Danny Ramzy shares advancements in robotic-assisted cardiac surgery as well as the different…
Defining Excellence – What makes a Fetal Center?
The emergence of new fetal procedures has led to a proliferation of programs using the designation…
Non-Surgical Treatment for Chronic Total Occlusion of the Coronary Arteries
Affiliated interventional cardiologists with the Memorial Hermann Health System Heart &…
A New Approach to Pediatric Facial Reanimation Evaluation and Treatment
Dr. Phuong D. Nguyen discuses facial reanimation surgical options evaluated with a new, algorithmic…
Two Novel Studies Seek to Improve Outcomes in Children with Malignant…
Dr. Sandberg discusses a novel experimental approach to treating medulloblastoma, ependymoma, and…
Landmark TOTAL Trial Results Published
After a decade of work, the Tracheal Occlusion To Accelerate Lung Growth (TOTAL) Trial was…
Rehabilitation of Critically Ill COVID-19 Survivors
This episode details how TIRR Memorial Hermann, a national leader in medical rehabilitation and…