It’s a common misconception that incidents like gunshot wounds or motor vehicle collisions bring more patients to a trauma center. In the Houston area, according to data from the Texas EMS/Trauma Registry, falls are actually responsible for bringing more people to the hospital than car wrecks and assaults combined. The good news is most accidental falls can be avoided when the community is equipped with the proper safety tips.
“For older Americans, falls represent a serious health problem,” said Sarah Schwaller, adult trauma prevention and outreach education coordinator at Red Duke Trauma Institute at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center. “A lot of these accidents are preventable and should not be seen as a consequence of aging. We at Memorial Hermann want to make sure that you and your loved ones are safer every day.”
In honor of the 8th Annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day, which is nationally recognized every September 23, Red Duke Trauma Institute is taking a stand to prevent falls by offering these important reminders.
Sadly, one in three Americans age 65 and older falls each year, which can diminish their quality of life. Red Duke Trauma Institute's injury prevention team is providing this information on falls prevention with the hope of helping to lower that statistic.