The time to prepare for an emergency is before it occurs. If you or someone you know would need assistance during an extended power, water or gas outage, a declared disaster or any other event considered necessary by the commission, the department, or the division, you should sign up with the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR). 

STEAR is a free service for Texas residents that is designed to provide local emergency planners and responders with information on people’s needs in their community.

Registering yourself in the STEAR registry DOES NOT guarantee that you will receive a specific service during an emergency. Available services will vary by community.

Who Should Register With STEAR?

This free registry is intended to help:

  • People with disabilities
  • People who are medically fragile
  • People who require transportation assistance
  • People with functional needs such as:
  • Limited mobility
  • Communication barriers
  • Require additional medical assistance during an emergency event
  • Require personal care assistance

Texas residents must register with STEAR every year.

To register, call 2-1-1 or visit

Learn more about STEAR: